Congratulations to all of this year's award recipients!
2025Ā Annual Awards Program
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Houston, TX
Introduction and Welcome
Mike Rosenthal, AASPT Awards Committee Chair
President's Opening Remarks
Michael Reinold, AASPT President
Recognition of Sports Clinical Specialists and 25 Year Members
Andrew Naylor, AASPT Vice President
Recognition of Newly Accredited and Re-accredited Residency Programs
Kaitlyn Schlueter,Ā Specialization SIG Chair
The JOSPT Guy G. Simoneau Excellence in Research Award
The Best Exercise Modality and Dose for Reducing Pain in Adults With Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review With Model-Based Bayesian Network Meta-analysis
Zhide Liang, MD; Shudong Tian, PhD; Chuanzhi Wang, MD; Meng Zhang, MD; Hengzhi Guo, MD; Yingdanni Yu, MD; Xianliang Wang, PhD ([email protected])
The JOSPT George J. Davies ā€“ James A. Gould Excellence in Clinical Inquiry Award
Applying Clinical Practice Guidelines on Chronic Headaches, Neck Pain, and Chest Symptoms: A Single Case Report
Frederic Breidenbach, PT, DPT, SCS, FAAOMPT; Philip W. McClure, PT, PhD, FAPTA
The IJSPT Award for Best Physician and Physical Therapist Collaboration
An Interval Throwing Program for Baseball Pitchers Based upon Workload Data
Michael M Reinold, Brittany Dowling, Glenn S. Fleisig, Lenny Macrina, Kevin E. Wilk, John T. Streepy, and James R. Andrews
The IJSPT Award for Best Original Research
Combined Effects of Glenohumeral Mobilization, Stretching, and Thoracic Mobilization on Shoulder Internal Rotation Range of Motion.
Brian T Swanson, Marissa Hagenbruch, Bernadine Lapaan, and Kirill Skipalski
The IJSPT Best Case Study Award
Nonsurgical Management of Adductor-related groin pain with Ultrasound-Guided Platelet-Rich Plasma Injection and Physical Therapy in a Competitive Soccer Player: A Case Report
Giorgio Zeppieri, Micheal S Smith, and Ryan P. Roach
The New Investigator Grant Award
Quantifying afferent contributions to quadriceps muscle weakness via tibial and femoral nerves
David Sherman PT, DPT, PhD, ATC
Best Research Abstract in Sports Physical Therapy Award
Squat Biofeedback after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Lauren Vatter, David Werner, PT, DPT, Matthew McManigal, Michael Rosenthal, PT, DSc, Michael Wellsandt, PT, DPT, Alyx Jorgensen, PT, DPT, Christopher Johnson, PT, Ashley White Baker, PT, DPT, Zachary Robert Specht, PT, DPT, Christopher Wichman, PhD, Brian Knarr, PhD, Matthew Tao, MD, Elizabeth Ann Wellsandt, PT, DPT, PhD
AASPT Outstanding Student Award
Jacques Sirois, SPT
Carly Gray, SPT
The Outstanding Service Award
Lenny Macrina PT
AASPT New Horizon Award
Jason Tuori PT, DPT
The Lifetime Excellence in Education Award
Terry Grindstaff, PhD, PT, ATC
The Lynn C. Wallace Clinical Education and Professional Development Award
Jonathan Sum PT, DPT
The Excellence in Education Award
Carey Rothschild, PT, DPT
The Outstanding Special Interest Group Chair Award
Jen Gruenhaugen PT, DPT, PhD
The Jack C. Hughston Sports Physician Award
Dr. John Bergfeld
Turner A Blackburn Lifetime Achievement Hall of Fame
Phil Page, PhD, PT, ATC
William S. "Sandy" Quillen, DPT, PhD, FACSM, SCS Ret.
Josef H. Moore, PhD, PT, ATC
Ronald G. Peyton Award
James E. Zachazewski, PT, DPT, ATC